Gürgen D, Conrad T, Becker M, Sebens S, Röcken C, Hoffmann J, Langhammer S. Breaking the Crosstalk of the Cellular Tumorigenic Network in NSCLC by a Highly Effective Drug Combination. Commun Biol. 2022, 5:59.


Koban R, Neumann M, Daugs A, Bloch O, Nitsche A, Langhammer S, Ellerbrok H. A novel three-dimensional cell culture method enhances antiviral drug screening in primary human cells. Antiviral Res. 2017, 150:20-29.


Langhammer S, Scheerer J. Breaking the crosstalk of the cellular tumorigenic network: Hypothesis for addressing resistances to targeted therapies in advanced NSCLC. Oncotarget. 2017, 8:43555-43570. Review.


T. Luger, R.E. Schopf, A. Schwanke, S. Langhammer, T. Meng and P.A. Löschmann. An observational study to evaluate the long-term outcomes of treatment with etanercept in patients with plaque-type psoriasis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016, 30:1730-1741.


Langhammer S. Rationale for the design of an oncology trial using a generic targeted therapy multi-drug regimen for NSCLC patients without treatment options (Review). Oncol Rep. 2013, 30:1535-41.


Langhammer S., Najjar M., Hess-Stumpp H., Thierauch K.H. LDH-A influences hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF1 α) and is critical for growth of HT29 colon carcinoma cells in vivo. Target. Oncol. 2011, 10.1007/s11523-011-0184-7.


Langhammer, S., Hubner, J., Jarrett, O., Kurth R., Denner J. Immunization with the transmembrane protein of a retrovirus, feline leukemia virus: absence of antigenemia following challenge. Antiviral Res. 2011, 89:119-23.


Langhammer, S., Koban, R., Yue, C., Ellerbrok, H., Inhibition of poxvirus spreading by the anti-tumor drug Gefitinib (IressaTM). Antiviral Res. 2011, 89:64-70.


Langhammer, S., Fiebig, U., Kurth, R., Denner, J. Increased neutralizing antibody response after simultaneous immunization with Leucogen and the feline leukemia virus transmembrane protein. Intervirology 2010; 54:78-86.


Langhammer, S., Hubner, J., Kurth, R., Denner, J. Antibodies neutralising feline leukemia virus (FeLV) in cats immunised with the transmembrane envelope protein p15E: Absence of tolerance against homologous endogenous sequences. J. Immunology 2006; 117:229-37.


Langhammer, S., Fiebig, U., Kurth, R., Denner, J. Neutralising antibodies against the transmembrane protein of feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). Vaccine 2005; 23:3341-3348.




Gürgen D, Conrad T, Becker M, Sebens S, Räcken C, Hoffmann J; Langhammer S. Abstract 3095: Breaking the crosstalk of the cellular tumorigenic network in NSCLC by a highly effective drug combination. Cancer Res 2022, 82 (12_Supplement): 3095.


Saito T, Matsuda T, Moran D, Langhammer S. Claudin 18 Isoform Expression in Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Oncol Res Treat 2022, 45 (suppl 1):5, 117.


Gurgen D, Conrad T, Becker M, Sebens S, Räcken C, Hoffmann J, Langhammer S. Breaking the crosstalk of the Cellular Tumorigenic Network in NSCLC by a highly effective drug combination. Oncol Res Treat 2022, 45 (suppl 1):5, 209.


Langhammer S. Rationale for a generic targeted therapy multi-drug regimen for NSCLC stage IIIB/IV patients without treatment options. Oncol Res Treat 37 (suppl 1) VI-144, 149, 2014.


Fiebig U, Langhammer S, Behrendt R, Kurth R, Denner J: Induction of neutralising antibodies after immunisation with the transmembrane envelope proteins p15E of gammaretroviruses: Implication for the development of an HIV vaccine. European J. Med. Res. 2007; 12 (2):128.


Huebner, J., Langhammer, S., Langbein-Detsch, I., Kurth, R., Denner, J. Is it possible to get a protective immunity against feline leukemia virus infection by immunization with its transmembrane envelope protein? Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 2006; 20:3,710.


Denner J., Mühle M., Kaulitz D., Langhammer S., Fiebig U., Behrendt R., Bleiholder A., Löchelt M., Kurth R., Morozov V.. Neutralising Antibodies After Immunisation with the
Transmembrane Envelope Proteins of HIV-1, HIV-2, Two Foamy Viruses, and Three
Gammaretroviruses. AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES, Volume 27, Number 10, 2011 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., DOI: 10.1089/aid.2011.1502.


Langhammer, S., Koban, R., Yue, C., Ellerbrok, H.(2011). Inhibition of poxvirus spreading by the anti-tumor drug Gefitinib (IressaTM). Poster number PANR-015, Page 234 (abstract book). Poster presented at the 21st Annual Meeting, Society of Virology, 23-26 March, Freiburg, Germany.


Langhammer, S., Najjar, M., Berhorster, K., Hess-Stumpp, H., Thierauch, K.-H (2008). LDH-A is critical for tumor growth of colon carcinoma cells in vivo. Poster number 255, Page 160 (abstract book). Poster presented at the Keystone Symposia: Molecular Mechanisms of Angiogenesis, Development and Disease, January 15-20, Vancouver, BC.


Najjar, M., Langhammer, S., Berhörster, K., Hess-Stumpp, H., and Thierauch, K.-H. (2008). LDH-A is critical for tumor growth of colon carcinoma cells in vivo. EACR Member 11813 Poster presented at the 20th European Association of Cancer Research (EACR-20) SYMPOSIA, July 5-8, 2008, Lyon, France.


Langhammer, S., Huebner, J, Jarrett, O., Kurth, R., Denner, J. (2008). Protective immunity against a retrovirus by immunisation with its transmembrane envelope (TM) protein. Talk hold at the 18th Annual Meeting, Society of Virology: Adaptive immune response and vaccination, Page 262 (abstract book), 5-8 March, Heidelberg, Germany.


Langhammer, S., Huebner, J., Jarrett, O., Kurth, R., Denner, J. (2008). Nachweis proviraler DNA des Felinen Leukamievirus - Erkenntnisse aus einem Impfstoffversuch. Talk at the 54th Congress of the DGK-DVG, 25-28 September, Dusseldorf, Germany.


Langhammer, S., Fiebig, U., Kurth, R., Denner,J. (2005). Neutralising antibodies against the transmembrane protein of feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). Poster number RET 28, 113. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Meeting, Society of Virology, 16-19 March, Hannover, Germany.


Fiebig, U., Langhammer, S., Kurth, R., Denner, J. Induction of HIV-neutralising Antibodies of the 2F5/4E10 Type. International Meeting of The Institute of Human Virology, 08/29– 09/02, 2005, Retrovirology 2, S71, Baltimore, USA.




Langhammer,S., Gürgen, D., Hoffmann, J. Means for the therapy of tumor diseases. World Intellectual Property Organization, W02022038038A2, 02/24/2022.


Denner, J., Langhammer, S., Fiebig, U., Kurth, R. Pharmaceutical composition and its use for the prophylactic or therapeutic treatment of retroviral diseases. World Intellectual Property Organization, WO 2007/023189, 03/01/2007.


Denner, J., Langhammer, S., Fiebig, U., Kurth, R. Vaccine based on virus neutralizing antibodies. World Intellectual Property Organization, WO 2007/020243, 02/22/2007.